The capital city of Bali, Denpasar, was built by a descendant from the castle of Pemecutan named I Gusti  Ngurah. The name of Denpasar came when the area was known as Badung area led by two kingdoms namely Pemecutan castle and Jambe Ksatrya castle. In the history book of Denpasar, this territory was also known as a garden. However, the garden did not look like as it should be.

This was because that park was the favorite garden of king Kyai Jambe Ksatrya. At that time, the king lived in the castle of Jambe Ksatrya which has became a market name Satria. Quoted from the Denpasar city government’s website, the name Denpasar comes from two word that is “den” which stands for north and “pasar” which means market. 

This name was given to that garden to remember its location that was located at the northern market. During the Dutch period, the development of the city of Denpasar was influenced by “westerns” elements, such as the arrangement administration buildings and the emergence of school buildings

The position of Denpasar city as the capital of the province of Bali cannot be separated from several influencing elements, because particularly the majority of its people embraced Hinduism. Therefore, in addition to have a position as the capital city, now the city of Denpasar has more roles of all activities both in economy and cultures.

In the eyes of the international tourists, Bali is the island that has unique cultures since the Dutch colonialism era. This includes various types and forms of art, religious, ceremonies and customs that are attractive to the foreigner and the domestic tourists. 

One of the most highlights for the guests when they visit this place is the museum. Bali museum is located at the east side from the soccer field, where this place also has unique histories. When you step in the museum, you will see kinds of collection from the ancient times until the present times.

This place is one of the museum that has the study of archeology and ethnography; the entrance price is about IDR 10,000 only. Various of facilities adequate from the Bali museum is prepared for you like a huge parking area, restaurants and food courts, rest rooms, rest areas, arts shops, several buildings and arts collections.

Before you come, it is good to know the schedule of the operational time. This place is open from Monday to Friday, whereas it is closes in a certain religion ceremonial days. From Sunday to Thursday, the operational time opens from 08.00-15.00, whereas it has shorter time on Friday which is starting from 08.00 to 12.30 only. 

There are activities that you would like to do at the museum. In the museum, you will be learning various of art museum and its historical story. This lesson is intended for collages or those who loves to learn about the Balinese architecture histories. If you are visiting this area, for sure, you will also feel happy being at the museum.

Certainly, you will be curious about how the art that were poured. The museum that is located in Denpasar is different from the museum in Ubud. In this museum, you can see and observe the art collection with the historical value from the Balinese culture.

The collection inside such as prehistoric tools, ceremonial and traditional equipment also the development of arts and cultures of the Balinese people from time to time. By looking at the collections, you will be able to compare the forms of Balinese civilization in prehistoric and modern times.

You need to know that this museum is just not about learning and observing the historical areas. There are also other attractiveness that interconnect with the layout and the unique architecture design resembles the typical Balinese kingdom. With this attraction, this place can be use for pre-wedding photoshoots by those who are planning to marry someone. For those who wants to do the pre-wedding photo session, you will be charged by the additional cost with the amount IDR 500,000. 

When you are visiting the museum, you will find several collection rooms that has its own story inside. The first collection room is east room where it is located in the east side of the museum and it is also consist two floors. On the first floor, there are form of collections about the prehistoric with sarcophagus as the cultural civilization. While on the second floor, there are forms collection about the ceremonial Panca Yadnya as the characteristic of Bali Hinduism.

The next room tour is name Karangasem building, it is located in the southern of Tabanan building and representing eastern Balinese architecture. This building has the similarity architecture as the place where kings are receiving the prime minister or important guests and named it Bale Penakilan or long bale. In this building, you will see different places filled with ceremonial and religious objects.

Buleleng building, another room that has unique forms of collections in it is located in the south of the Karangasem building and representing the architecture of north Bali. The collection that is contained in this room is kepeng money  or pis bolong. Besides that, there are also textile collections such as ikat ganda, endek, songket and prada.

The last building in the museum that you can visit is Tabanan building. This building is on the northernmost museum and it is representing the architecture of west and east Bali. The collection in this building is the kris that was obtained from the society since the Dutch era until now.