People have notice that Denpasar is the one of the crowded city that has a population of the most high tourists population in Bali island. As it has a high human population, the capital city of Bali still have an empty filled with a fresh green grass that nourish the nature of the village, place where they are looking for to enjoy other side of the city. Standing in the middle of the green rice fields area so that this place looks verdant and open helps you to release overfullness of the city crowd, this tourist attraction is named Cultural Village Kertalangu. The location of this place is in Kesiman village, east Denpasar district or right at bypass Ngurah Rai road on the north side of the tourism area of Sanur beach.

The distance from the airport is about 35 minutes drive. Certainly, the eastern village has become a recreation and education destination for people outside of Bali nor those who are living in Bali. There are many schools visit this cultural village, where they are doing the study tour. Denpasar is also one of the tourist attractions in Bali that is sufficient reckoned to be visit when during the holidays. The location is easy to be access from the tourism area such as Sanur, Kuta, Nusa Dua and even from Ubud. This area is located on an 80 hectare, with several buildings and facility support that is surrounded by rice field areas, and a fresh green garden that thrived that was neatly arranged.

From the parking area, you will see nothing because there are local people selling plants. But who knows that this place is a very huge land. An open area in Denpasar Bali is offering different kind of recreation activities that may attract many people which also as the conservation, investigation, study and community cultivation.

Conserving the antient culture, the cultural village of Kertalangu is providing you local old food such as traditional food, herb and many other traditional potions. Kertalangu Cultural Village will give you new holiday experience in a populated city like Denpasar.

In the area of this village, there is also peace gong that symbolize with a big gong that is placed in the green field. That huge gong is surrounded by figure statues from all countries that supports peace. Spending your holiday times together with your friends, family and your children so that you can do many things while visiting there. Many interesting spots that you can find in the area where you can also make it as a place to selfie or taking pictures.

The local people initiatively have prepared you complete facilities and supporting facilities like jogging tracks with two meters road and four meters long sufficiently become a mild place for trekking recreation in the city with beautiful views. It is best to visit this village in the morning or in the evening, because if you come in the noon time, it feels hot!

Another recreation that you may like to visit is the industry and crafts area, where there are many unique handcrafts that you can find such as glasses, ceramics, candles, statues, garment productions, jars and different kinds of stones and crystals. You can also see the process of making those unique hand creation too! With a very cheap price, you can buy it for your keepsake from Bali.

After seeing and participate on the process of making the handcrafts, you can develop your fishing hobby by catching up fishes from the fish pond. They provide you tools for fishing which you can rent those tools. There are three kind of fishes that you can catch such as cat fish, pomfret and catfish. You can also grill those fish at the restaurant and enjoying the delicious foods together with your friends and family.

There is also outbound activities that you would like to try when you are visiting this cultural village. The farmers over there will teach you how to plant the paddies, catching an eel with traditional system and learning how the procedure of irrigation works.

In some special days, they also have traditional performances such as traditional dances like Tari Barong, Tari Kecak and Tari Bungbung. The dancers comes from the local people that lives in the territory of Kertalangu Cultural Village. The schedule of this activity is in accordance to the customers and it also depends on the guests; the duration for each dance is around 45 minutes.

If you want to know more about the area of this culture park without walking, the local people provides a horse riding too. When riding the horse, you will be accompanied with a professional instructor while going around the jogging treks.

Around the recreation area, you will find a spa training. The workers there have been trained, so you don’t need to be worry about it. In this case, they will teach you how to make soaps from traditional materials and other spa materials with its standard dose.

After doing all the activities in Kertalangu Cultural Village, now you can eat delicious traditional food in the small restaurant. They have provided you menu with Balinese traditional culinary foods like twisted satay, vegetables, kinds of traditional snacks and drinks. With a very cheap price, you will be satisfied with the foods at the culinary area in that village.