The museum of Bajra Sandhi or known as the monument of Bajra Sandhi is the monument that represents as the Balinese fighting that is located in Renon, Denpasar, Bali. The land was occupied by 13,8 hectare with 4,900 meters building area was built in 1981 by Balinese engineer named Ida Gede. The monument construction began in 1987, as the initiative of the former government Bali Ida Bagus Mantra. The monument was inaugurated by Megawati Soekarno Putri on the 14th June 2003.

The construction of this museum has created traditional architecture, it also contain full of Hinduism philosophy. The word Bajra itself has a meaning “genta” which means bell. Usually, the Hindu priest use the bell when they utter the magical incantation with the Hindu elements in it. Not just about the philosophy of Hindu, this monument also symbolized as the liberty of Indonesia. There are 17 steps at the main door of the monument and 8 grand pillars inside the monument which have a height of 45 meters; those numbers came from the proclamation day of Indonesia, 17th August 1945.

Apart from being historical place, this monument is located in the center of the city which has been visited by many people. The tourists are just doing casual activities like strolling around, gathering or physical exercise. To learn and enjoy the historical of Bajra Sandhi monument, they will charge you a ticket with the amount IDR 10,000 for kids and 25,000 for adults. On the first floor of Bajra Sandhi monument, now, has become a place for 3D I AM BALI museum. A creative museum that shows 3D dimensional pictures. For those who might like to visit these two places, you will need to adjust your time because the operational time starts at 08.00 and closes 18.00.

Another attraction of Bajra Sandhi monument is often used for pre-wedding photoshoot. So, for you who are planning to have your wedding preparation, you don’t have to worry about pre-wedding documentary places. Bali has thousands choices for you to choose what theme you want to use for your wedding day!