There are many tourism area that has free fees without having any entrance ticket, Taman Werdhi Budaya Art Center is one of them. Even though it has free parking price, this place will still over Bali’s exotic from the cultural aspect that are not inferior with the paid ones. Since it opened at the first time, this cultural park became favorite tourism place for tourists whenever they visit Bali. You can see various collection of Balinese art and culture. So, beside as an refreshing occasion, it can also increase your new insight about Balinese culture.

Bali Art Center or Bali Cultural Park is a place that cope different kinds of Balinese art to converse the culture and its development. This cultural park was initiated by the first Bali government, Ida Bagus Mantra. He is a leader figure that cares with the art preservation and the the values of Balinese culture. As a proof of his love, he willed to use his own private land where Art Center stands. He hoped, that the Balinese young generation can maintain both culture custom and the art preservation along with the rise of the foreign culture.

The first name was Taman Werdhi Budaya, but then it was institutionalized into Taman Budaya Bali or Art Center Bali. The complex building has land area of about five hectare with the Balinese traditional architecture. Every detail of the building described Balinese culture. It looks very beautiful when there is a clean neatly garden and a river flow which make it looks much more beautiful.

Administratively, the location of Art Center Bali is located in Nusa Indah Street No. 1, Panjer, South Denpasar, Denpasar city, Bali. The location is very strategic, which is also located in the middle of the town. The distance is about 4,5 kilometers or 20 minutes driving, it also has a reachable location, if you are driving from Tanjung Benoa, Kuta or Sanur. If you are driving from Ngurah Rai International airport, it will take you for 45 minutes to 1 hour to be at the cultural park.

Bali cultural park neutralized many attractiveness and also its facilities. Nevertheless, you can visit it for free. You can even take pictures around the area and devote memories when you are visiting there. The initial purpose of establishing this culture park is to identify and converse the Balinese culture at a time. Therefore, the local manager does not determine the admission.

But, you still need to comply with the applicable regulation. For example, always maintain the cleanliness without touching the collectibles. The entrance ticket is free indeed, but you still have to pay the parking ticket. The parking ticket for motorcycles is IDR 2,000 and the amount for cars is IDR 5,000.

This Art Center cultural park is the proud destination for the local people, because its exitance helps to increase the local economic system especially for the Denpasar majorities. The tourists who come may use their money to buy the traditional food too! Beside Art Center Bali, there are more tourism areas that you might like to visit whenever you come to Bali.

When visiting the cultural park, exploring the whole building is a must to do while you are in the area of Art Center Bali. Overall, the complex of the cultural park is divided by four parts, each of them has its own attractiveness. The first complex is the sacred building which is covering the Beji Garden, Bale Pepaosan, Bale Selonding and many more. Furthermore is the quiet complex that includes the historical library which has the history book of Bali.

The third complex is half crowded because there is another building they built which they name it as Kriya building, statue studio, Mahudara exhibition building and a guesthouse that is usually used for the Balinese art exhibition. The last area is the bustling complex that includes an covered stage of Ksirarnawa and a open stage Ardha Candra. Both of this stage is located in the south side of the river and it usually used for the art stage. But, from the many existing complex building, there are areas that has become favorite place for the travelers. That area is Kalangan Ayodya, Ksisarnawar, Ardha Candra and Kalangan Ratna Kanda.

You also need to know, that every year for one full month, the cultural park Bali organize an art event name “Pesta Kesenian Bali.” For those who come from outside of Bali, you can use Bali tour package service if you want to see this art performance. The participant performers comes from different district in Bali that perform showing its own characteristics. This performance is not just from the Balinese local people, but from all over Indonesia.

This entertainment will not just showing you unique entertainment for one day, but they will show various dances everyday with Indonesia’s traditional typical dances that westerns might like to see whenever you come and visit Art Center Bali. One of the show that you will see there is percussion art, traditional puppet show and many more other dancing. Beside seeing the different kinds of unique dances, there, you will also see paintings, sculpture and many more Indonesian traditional handmade arts. You can also buy them and bring it home make it as an your recollections.

Because it has become favorite place for westerns and locals to visit this cultural park, they have provided you a complete facilities such as a wide parking area, beautiful small garden, clean toilet and securities. Around the Art Center, there are many simply local restaurant that are selling traditional Balinese food with affordable price.

For those who wants to visit this lace, you need to know that this cultural park of Bali has a different operational time. From Monday to Thursday, it opens at 08.00 AM and closes at 14.00 PM, but on Friday, this place start to open at 08.00 AM to 12.00 PM only. The best time to visit this place is in the mid of the year, from June to July. Because at that time, there will be a big amazing Indonesian traditional entertainment parties. So, before you come to Bali, don’t forget to plan a good date and a time to watch the events.