Initially, Tukad Bindu was a terrain that was located behind the house with a river bank, which was used as a garbage disposal and others. According to the initiator and supervisor of Tukad Bindu, I Gusti Rai Ari Temaja, the arrangement of Tukad Bindu had been started in 2010. They persuaded the majority there to get involve to see the potential and change their mindset that this place is not for disposal garbage area, but it is for cultural education and many others. They agreed to arrange it to a ecotourism area that has the creativity value, from what was initially slum area. Then, on March 23rd 2017, the foundation of Tukad Bindu was formed where the function of this area is to build nature education and the water resource which is not inseparable from the economic, social and its culture. They hoped that Tukad Bindu can inspire the people to be more concern with the environment and also the water resources.

In the middle of many hotels and cafes that stands in Bali island, there is a tourist attraction that has its own uniqueness which were able to become a new tourist magnet in Denpasar as the capital city province of Bali. The charm of Tukad Badung is becoming increasingly well known by local tourists especially for Denpasar majority, but it is also starting to be threshed by other Balinese people. In fact, Tukad Bindu became one of Denpasar innovation that passed the top 99 ministry of the utilization of the state and bureaucratic reform.

The beautiful river is comfortable for the majority by protecting the environment and nature in Tukad Bindu. In fact, this ecotourism has become one of Denpasar innovation that have passed the top 99 ministry of state apparatus empowerment and bureaucratic reform. No wonder, if this area was in the hand of I Ketut Nugraha Swadharma because the name of Tukad Bindu is increasing widely known after it was successfully achieved 1st place in a vlog competition that was held at Graha Cakrawala, the state university in Malang in east Java, that was announced last 27th of June. Swadharma was very pleased, even he didn’t suspect that he was able to emerge to the national level and made it successful to become the best that competing with 18 vlog participants throughout Indonesia.

Bali has its own beauty in every side of the corner. Although now, there are many hotels and cafes standing everywhere, still, Bali have kept its tourism uniqueness. One of it, is the existence of Tukad Bindu that will bring anyone who visit it back to the past. According to the name of Tukad Bindu, this river has become the main attraction that is located in the alley of Sikarini at Kesiman Denpasar. Due to the initiative and the cognition about the importance of the tourism in Bali, they start to fix Tukad Bindu. Not without a long process, this place was known as the most dirtiest river because there was too much trash spread over the surface. Slowly but sure, the villagers there worked hard to juggle the dirty river become the most cleanest river and make it look good as it is now.

Everyday, there are many tourist coming so this river always busy. Children, or adults looks fun playing in the river. They also have provided a rental buoys and riverside tires. Around the river bank have been styled with the villagers by planting green grasses. This area is also used for people for picnic or just resting. Beside that, there are also small shop and bamboo gazebos with old Balinese nuance.