When you are in the province of Bali, it would be shameful if you don’t visit all the tourist attraction places. Because there will be many interesting things that you missed when you do not visit all tourist attraction which is in Bali itself. However, due to the limited time you have to travel around Bali, there are not many tourist attraction you can visit. So, you can choose some of the interesting tourist attraction to visit later in Bali. In that way, you will be very satisfied with the holiday you take in the province of Bali itself.

One of the most interesting attraction that was recommended by many people is the Bali Zoo. Zoo can be interpreted as the which indicates various types of animals. Apart from that, this tourist attraction can also be a reference for family holiday packages in Bali and of course, when you come here, you will gain new knowledge. There will be many things to learn while you are traveling around Bali; about the zoo itself, there are lots of things to find and enjoying the holiday atmosphere as the tourist attraction.

Bali Zoo itself is included in the Gianyar regency area, with the the distance of approximately 45 minutes’ drive from Kuta, made this tourist attraction not far away and visited by many tourists, both from domestic and foreigners. Apart from that, Bali Zoo is close to Ubud tourist attraction with its million of beauties which is very attractive for Bali tour packages.

One of the things you can do comfortably at the Bali Zoo is that you are able to get the opportunity to see many kinds of protected animals. When you on a trip to see the animals by following the procedures, you will also enjoy the zoo trip comfortably with your family.

When you are visiting the zoo, you will have another lucky opportunity and that is feeding the animals even though there are not much tame animals can be fed. Guests are allowed to feed and pet the animals starting from 10.00 AM to 17.00 PM But even so, you will also enjoy the feel of feeding the tame animals like giraffes, elephants, deer, and elephants. Besides that, you can also play around with the rabbits while giving them food. There are no fees to pay during giving food to the animals because it has been included with the entrance ticket. When you want to feed them, the food station is located before the petting zoo gate.

There are several things that you and your children can do at the Bali Zoo with new things besides giving food to the animals. One of the new thing you and your children can do is seeing the orangutan roaming around the huge cage. The location of the roaming orangutan is at Sumatra village, the limited time is starting from 13.30 and finishes at 14.30. Beside the orangutan, Bali Zoo is also a home for several rare animals that they have been protected like Sumatra tiger and Bawean deer. Aside from them, the zoo keepers also have other animals collection such as white tiger, African lion, various types of birds and reptiles.

Apart from the zoo tourist attraction, at the Bali Zoo Gianyar, there is also water park which your children will definitely like. This water playground ride is call water splash waterplay, like Kuta water park which is located in Kuta area, Jungle splash waterplay is smaller in scale and it was designed only for children.

The operational time for this small waterpark is at 10.00 and closes at 17.00, and there are no payments needed to pay while enjoying the water park because it is included with the ticket. The facilities which are available at the Jungle Splash Water such as gazebos, changing room, locker, and a cafe. If you are using cabanas and lockers, it will charge you some extra prices. If you are using cabanas for an hour, you will be charged IDR 50,000, included the use of one towel, but if you use the locker, you will just need to pay IDR 15,000/coin and rent a towel with the price IDR 25,000.

Aside from the water park, your children may also try the sensation on riding the ponies with a maximum weight 30 kilograms. To be able to ride the pony, the fee will be charged IDR 75,000/child with the duration only 5 minutes. The pony riding activities will start to be operated from 10.00 AM to 17.00 PM. If you are still confuse about the activities at the zoo, you may ask for the guiding map so you may know where to go while you are in the area of the Bali Zoo and enjoy every fun activities with your family.
