Sindhu Market is the main fresh market in the entire Sanur village area. Although travelers usually know as the Sindhu Night Market, the local residents call it as the traditional market. You will find a bustling vendor street scene with stalls opening after the sunset. In the evening, most of the traders occupied the front parking spaces. Sindhu market is very lively even when the sun rises, many of the stalls open in the main area sheltered under a warehouse-like structured. Even though it carries a ‘traditional’ name, the market is clean and modern.

There is another local snack that many people love to eat. One of the most popular snacks in Bali is call Lumpia Bali. This typical of food is made from 20 pieces of spring rolls skin ready to be use or you can make the spring roll skin by your own, 200 grams of clean bean sprouts, a medium size of carrot slice it into a match shape, 4 flute of finely chopped white onion, 4 flute of finely chopped red onion, half of teaspoon salt, white pepper powder, and a half teaspoon of mushroom broth. Then, after that, put one-fourth of white sugar, 10 tablespoon of water, 2 bay leaves and oil for frying. When you visit Puputan soccer field or either you are visiting the beach, there, you will find many Balinese selling this kind of food with only cost IDR 5,000.

There are around 150 stands that lined on the ceramic street, many of them offer fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs while others are selling flowers and young coconut leaves for Balinese Hindu offerings. The middle row is surrounded by separated stalls, each traditional offering homewares and textiles. Several small food stall sells mixed rice and cold drinks. Definitely you will enjoy the cheap price here. Despite from the modern layout of Sindhu Market, the traditional aspect of bargaining can still be done at this market. Those main stalls are being quiet after 8 AM while some other surrounding stalls constantly open throughout the day.

In the evening, the parking area is changed. The market become what people say as the Sanur Night Market or Sindhu Night Market. At six o’clock, the local shops are opening and the food carts are starting to come. They cook and grill their local products from lamb satay, soup meatballs, fried rice and other local food with the cheap prices.

It is uncommon for you to find traditional Balinese snacks sellers. The price is offered is very affordable, specifically, IDR 3,000 is for one type of snacks and IDR 5,000 for all mixed traditional snacks. Most of the tourists prefer to eat chicken satay rather than goat satay as the end food searching. Usually 500 skewers of chicken satay can be consumed  per day and 200 skewers goat satay per day. These food is made for everyone, especially those who are Muslims because its guaranteed to be halal.

For the official price of the chicken satay is IDR 20,000 for one portion with 20 skewers and for the goat satay is usually banderole with IDR 10,000 per portion. Sanur Night Market sell various local food with cheap prices. At least, there are 30 places that are provided you inside the area of the market. The market became busier as the night went on with the arrival of many tourists from local and aboard. This place can be as your alternative place if you are confuse finding restaurants while spending your time in Bali with your family or with your partners.