The island of Bali has many beaches with the beautiful sceneries and that will coddle your eyes, one of it is Segara Ayu Beach. This beach is a beach that has beautiful views and a overlay smooth white sand. Besides the pampering scenes, there are also interesting activities that travelers can do at this one beach.

Segara Ayu Beach it is not the popular beach like other beaches in Bali. Even so, for the problem of views and facilities that is not needed to doubt the scenery and facilities because they are complete. The following are some of the attractions of this beach that can be taken into consideration before visiting it.

Quoted from the official website of the Denpasar City Government, Segara Ayu Beach is one of the beach with a good outlook in Denpasar. Tourists can testify the ocean with the clear water. The expanse of the wide white sand and also the cleanliness as well as the trees that is located on the coastline makes the view much more beautiful.

Other attractiveness from this beach is becoming one of sunrise point in Bali. The sunrise point is a place that suitable for watching the sunrise beauty in the morning. This phenomenon is a phenomenon which can pamper visitors eyes that are having their holidays over there; because of the beautiful landscapes especially when the weather is sunny.

For tourists that have interest to come to this one beach, the location is at Segara Ayu Street no. 8 Sanur Kaja, South Denpasar, Denpasar City, Bali. Segara Ayu Beach opens everyday for 24 hours. Those who wants to spend their time at the beach, this beach has no charge for the parking fees. Travelers just need to pay the entrance parking tickets only.

Although it is free for the supporting facilities, this beach has already completed and it can be also supported the amenities for tourists. There are a huge parking area, a clean and comfortable toilet, relaxing place, restaurants, cafes and many more other facilities.