Traveling to the city of Denpasar, you will not just be presented with an old city tour in Gajah Mada Street with a various modern touches. However, you can also enjoy the other side of the city such as the Satria Bird Market on Veteran Street. Although the name is Bird market, this place does not only sell various types of birds. At Satria Bird Market visitors can easily find a variety of other animals, raging from dogs, cats, snakes, rabbits, monkeys, hamsters to various other types of reptiles. So it is not wrong that this Bird Market has earned the nickname Mini Zoo Park aka the mini zoo of Denpasar City. What is the excitement of exploring the Bird Market that has existed since 1980?

Traveling to Satria Bird Market for Narendra, a university lecturer in Denpasar, can be a fun activity. “Coming to this bird market, I personally like visiting a mini zoo, because various types of pets are here,” he explained. Visiting Satria Bird Market, does not required any special preparation, only a mask for those with dust allergic. Travelers can see a variety in a various types of places such as aquariums, bird cages and even left frees in special boxes.

In addition, the variety of birds sold a dozens of stalls in the Bird Market is also interesting to see. In addition to their cute colors, the melodious chirping of the birds, continued Narendra, it is special attraction. “For me, the chirping of hundreds of species of birds in this market is able to provide a calm atmosphere, even I feel that I am not in the middle of Denpasar City,” he explained again.

Narendra admits that he often comes to Satria Bird Market, not only to buy feed for his pets, but also to relieve stress. “At the Satria Bird Market I can see a various types of pets and chat casually with animals trades,” he admitted. Yudi said that visits to Satria Bird Market are more often made by Asians tourists, such as Chinese and Malaysians. “Traditional market activities for Chinese tourists are interesting activities to see,” he said.

Andi Nurahman, a fish trader in Satria Bird Market, said that beside those who come to buy various types of animals or animal feed, many come just to look at animal activities. “For those who come to see or travel, usually domestic tourist or foreign tourists who stay in Denpasar City,” he explained.

Tourists can also see a variety of cute animal attractions owned by traders. There are many several types of animals that do have funny and adorable behavior, so they often attract visitors to document them, such as hamters, cats and dogs. “Local visitors usually buy animals at the end of their visit. The types of animals purchased are those that are easy to keep, such as hamsters or fish,” he added.