Banyu Wana Amertha Waterfall, is a fabulous nature destination that is located in the area of Buleleng, Bali. This waterfall is offering you a glamor realm that will not be forgootten by travellers who have visited there. Banyu Wana Amertha Waterfall has the beauty that attract with water falling from the height and shaped a natural pool underneath it.

This scenery creates a calm atmosphere and offers an experience that will refreshes who ever come and visit there. The beauty of the green and natural surroundings adds more attractiveness to this place. The name “Banyu Wana Amertha itself comes from local language which means “a waterfall that gives life.” This waterfall is situated in the middle of a lush forest which increases the attractiveness and gives a natural charm to this place.

The roaring sound of the waterfall can indeed create a very soothing atmosphere. Combined with the surrounding natural beauty, such as a lush green forest, rocks and sometimes a rainbow appearing in the waterfall mist, the experience become even more special. This is one of the ways nature reveals its beauty and provides a sense of peace that is hard to find elsewhere. Is there a particular place you have in mind or want to visit?

To reach Banyu Wana Amertha Waterfall, you can use your own vehicle or you can also rent vehicles in Bali. The trip to this waterfall will take around two or three hours depending on the road conditions. Even though the access is not that difficult, the road you take will be rewarded with stunning natural views when you arrive at the location. Banyu Wana Amertha also offers an unforgettable experience for adventure lovers. You can swim in the natural pool formed under the waterfall, or just sit and enjoy the beauty of the surrounding nature.