The island of the gods, Bali, boasts a range of lake tourism destinations that visitors can explore, one of it is Tamblingan Lake. Tamblingan Lake is located on the northern slopes of Mount Lesung, in the Mundung area, Banjar district, Buleleng regency, Bali. Tamblingan Lake has very cool air and a picturesque view due to being surrounded by forest. Check out the history, ticket prices, and tips for visiting Tamblingan Lake.

Tamblingan Lake is believed by the local community to be a sacred lake with a strong spiritual atmosphere. This belief dates back to a time when an epidemic struck the four villages around the lake, known as the Catur Village, which include Munduk, Goblek, Gesing, and Umarjero.

The epidemic spreads through out the villages and disturbed the local community. Eventually, to address the situation, a revered figure descended to a lake to collect water, which was then used as the medicine. The individual continuously prayed with spiritual power to turn the water into a cure for the villagers. Miraculously, the villagers gradually improved, and the epidemic eventually disappeared. Since that time, the name Tamblingan Lake was born, which is the Balinese comes from two word: ‘tamba’ means medicine, and ‘elingan’ which means a reminder of spiritual power.

To enjoy the natural beauty of Tamblingan Lake, tourists are required to pay an entrance fee of IDR 10,000/person. Addiitionally, the parking fee is IDR 3,000 for motorcycles and IDR 5,000 for cars. With those fees, you can fully enjoy the lake’s scenery. The entrance ticket and parking charges mentioned above are subject to change at any time based on decisions made by the management of this tourist area. Tamblingan Lake is open 24 hours a day, so you can visit anytime you want. However, if you want to see the sunrise, it is recommended to arrive by 05.30 AM. For those who want to enjoy the sunset, the best time to visit is around18.00 PM.